We’ve improved our bulk member editing feature, introduced last April, that now allows you to update any number of members at a time (it was previously capped to 25).
Using this feature, you can add and remove tags to several members in one go, as well as editing their attributes (location, company, etc…) and deleting them.
CleanShot 2021-07-30 at 17
You can select members by picking them individually, selecting the whole current page, or all members with current filters.
As a reminder, here are the available shortcuts when bulk editing members:
  • ↑/k
    to navigate;
  • Enter
    to visit the profile of the currently selected member;
  • x
    to select or deselect the currently selected member;
  • E
    to edit the fields of the current selection;
  • C
    to delete the current selection;
  • T
    to add tags to the current selection;
  • R
    to remove tags from the current selection