Hi folks! We've expanded the list of fields you can group the reports by to include company, location, and title. This means that you can now drill-down on these dimensions in the standard reports and the report builder.
Here's a bar chart grouped by location, showing the most active locations in the community:
Grouping by company will produce the companies with the most members or activities at the top, and grouping by title does the same for title.
Company, location, and title are attributes of the member profile that are generally populated by integrations but can also be edited by hand. If the values you see aren't what you expect, or want, you may need to update the values from the members table or member profile.
Note: If you don't see your changes on the Pulse or Totals pages, it may be due to caching, up to 24 hours. Please click the pencil icon to view the chart in the reports builder instead and the latest data should be reflected.
Use the Report Builder to try out different combinations of groups and filters to see what new insights you can gain about your community. Happy Orbiting!