Mark member as Teammate based on email domain
Kelly Liu
You can now mark multiple members as a Teammate from the members table. Just search by email domain and you can edit their affiliation all at once:
Heather Barr
Can't wait for this to be released! A time saver for our team, for sure! Thanks Orbit team!
Guillaume Millot
We'll be working on it in the next few weeks. Currently planned for March/early April at the latest.
Tearyne Almendariz
Our org is currently exploring Orbit, and we would love to have this as well. We have 420 employees (per Orbit), and marking each one manually would be a chore. We could either do this by org association or, possibly, if you all had a JSON/data import flow, we could import lists of employees by email.
Guillaume Millot
Tearyne Almendariz: thank you for your feedback! I'm happy to let you know that we'll be working on it in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, you can type the domain name of your organization in the search box above the members table, select all the members who you know belong to to your org, and click "Edit fields" in the members menu. A modal will open and allow you to select the Teammate affiliation for all the selected members in batch.
Tamimi AlTamimi
I agree! This is definitely something that would be beneficial for us as well.
Martyn Davies
under review
Jordan Violet
This would be critical for us as our community grows! One key metric our leadership asks for is what does our data look like when you exclude interactions from our company. I need to know that, as users from our company join our community and contribute, they'll always be added as a teammate and I can quickly filter them out without having to go in and update all the time.